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Media Phones bring the internet and email to those who don’t have home broadband

When I say Media phone I am referring to internet ready phones like the HTC Hero, Palm Pre, iPhone etc. Mobile phones which let you see the internet, use it and also send emails and share media content such as photo and video.

My partners mother does not have broadband in her home. She never has, and I don’t think she will any time soon. She has spent life without the internet and can’t really use a PC. Last week something out of the blue happened. She got an iPhone. This has opened up a whole new world for her. She can now surf the internet (missing out on flash), send emails, shop online, pay bills, check her account, all from one device without the need for home broadband. Not to forget social network such as Facebook, YouTube etc. Fantastic.
This got me thinking how great our media mobile phones are right now. She is now connected to the internet community. It just goes to show, as our media phones develop and as we can do more and more with the device, will home broadband really be required for those people who are not hardcore users? I think it won’t.

I would just like to point out that if you have an iPhone and you don’t have broadband at home, then you will need to find someone who does. The iPhone requires that you have iTunes and an internet connection to activate it for the first time.